Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Test Taking 101

  Well, this week's lesson in my online learning class is probably one of the most beneficial for me. I'll just go ahead and be honest and put it right out there......I do not like taking tests. In fact, test taking ranks right up there with going to the dentist, if you ask me! It just makes me nervous!

I'm also really not sure why I hate it so much. I usually do well. I always study and I'm always prepared.  I've never had a horrible test taking experience or dental exam! But, every time, no matter what, I tend to get anxious at test time and doubt myself. 

This weeks lesson really helped me to break everything down into easy steps. It gave me a clear-cut plan for how to study and how to prepare myself. I feel like I will be more confident when it comes to test taking now. 

I really liked all of the tips on taking different types of exams (above).  Where was this information when I was in high school?! Sometimes tests are tricky and it's nice to have some test-taking strategies to have up my sleeve if I'm ever stuck.  "An answer in the middle is probably correct, especially if it has more words." Who knew!?

I feel much more relaxed about taking tests! Now if I can just figure out what to do about that dentist thing.........

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