Saturday, June 9, 2012

Five Day Study Plan

In my studies this week I learned about how to develop a 5 day study plan. This is a system you can establish for yourself in order to break your studying time into small chunks and use various study strategies in order to make learning easier.

 I personally think this is a great idea. In fact, I basically already do this for myself. I had to figure this method out the hard way, once I started college years ago and realized that I didn't really know how to study.  I noticed after my first semester that I was going to have to figure out a study system that would break things down into small time periods throughout the week so that I could get everything done. Procrastination and cramming at the last minute DOES NOT WORK!

Using a five day study plan forces me to look at everything I have to accomplish for the week. I know exactly what I have to do and when I have to do it. I don't feel overwhelmed and I can create a plan that works for me. I am able to complete all of my tasks and feel prepared for my exams. Stressing out, leaving everything for the last minute and never feeling prepared just does not work for me. This lesson was a great reminder of that!

If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard,
  just keep putting off doing it. 
~Olin Miller~