Tuesday, June 19, 2012

APA style

     If you have children you know there is a moment when you first get home from the hospital with your new baby and you suddenly realize that the baby is yours. Forever. You have to figure out everything and it is all completely foreign to you. You are completely overwhelmed. You basically start from scratch and figure it out as you go. And eventually the crazy overwhelmed feeling becomes your normal and everything starts to flow.
That is the same feeling I have about writing in APA style. It's all new to me. There is so much to learn and it feels a little overwhelming. However, I have learned A LOT this week. I never had to use APA formatting before, so I am just starting from scratch. I am working on getting the basic guidelines down.

Creating the reference list is a little complicated. That said, I think if I just focus and keep the basic rules and guidelines handy I can get it right. I'm enjoying the challenge.

So, I'm going to keep studying the guidelines and practicing. Eventually I'll get this APA stuff figured out, just like the parenting stuff. Well, most of it....


Until then, I think www.apastyle.org/ will be my new best friend.

"Each day learn something new, and just as important, relearn something old." 
~Robert Brault~