Friday, June 1, 2012

Setting Goals

Now, more than ever, I am realizing how important it is to set goals for myself. I want to be the best I can be for myself and for my young children. And, I want to teach my children how important it is, and how satisfying it is, to set goals and actually reach them. 

Going back to school to earn my degree is one of my current goals. I am well on my way, and goal setting just happened to be part of the curriculum for this week in my Online Learning course. I've set many goals for myself and achieved them. However, through my studies I did learn new methods for better ways to set goals in order to make them easier to reach.  For example, I really like this five- step approach that is outlined in my textbook.
 STEP 5: polish your goal statement
STEP 1: write down what you want to accomplish
STEP 2: write down any obstacles
STEP 3: write down any resources
STEP 4: review and revise your tentative goal statement

I have actually used this step-by-step guide this week to help me with my classes and also in my personal life. It also really helped me lay out a clear plan to improve my health. I am looking forward to using the tips I've learned from now on, as I really believe they help me see a clear picture of what I want and how to get it!

"The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain."
Kahlil Gibran