Saturday, May 12, 2012

A New Chapter......

Well, this is officially a new chapter in my life. I'm going back to college, WITH KIDS! And, not only am I going back to college with kids, I'm going with a wife and a full time job! That said, I am very excited about this new journey. This is going to be a challenge, but I am looking forward to it.

I am new to blogging. I am also new to online learning. So, please bare with me as I work through this. I really feel like all of this is necessary to make things better for myself and my family.  I am forty years old and am looking forward to moving forward with my career at AT&T. I would like to eventually move into a management position. I have two children. Logan is 8 and knows everything. Really, he does...just ask him. He could probably take these classes for me.

Lilly is 10 months old and all over the place.  She is climbing my chair as I type this.  I am working hard to make things easier for them. And, in any extra time I find, maybe I can play a little golf.

On the course with my boy